Gab's Celery Immunity Green Juice

Serves 2-4

Vegetarian, Vegan, GF, 

Total Cook Time: 15 minutes 

We’ve all had our fair share of juicing fails where we’ve added all the fruits or vegetables on hand to a blender and hoped for the best, yet rarely does this have a positive outcome. Ginger is a powerhouse of health perks but add a little too much and you’ll be making all kinds of faces. 

This green juice has been Gab’s pre-breakfast ritual for years now and one she swears by to keep colds at bay and her immunity in check. We say “pre” breakfast because accidentally have this with a meal and your stomach will inflate like a birthday balloon. We can’t say why, but we’ve tried it and we’ve learnt our lesson…

So get your veggies and fruits out of the fridge, your juicer out of the cupboard and get ready to pump up your energy levels with us!!


  • 4 handfuls of spinach 
  • 4 cm ginger (you can always add more if you can take the spice!)
  • 1 handful of fresh mint 
  • ¼ of a pineapple 
  • 1 green apple 
  • 3 celery stalks
  • Juicer. If you don’t have a juicer don’t worry! You can blend all the ingredients and strain the mixture too. 


  1. Cut up your pineapple and apple into slices that will fit through your juicer
  2. Press all the ingredients through your juicer (make sure to not cram too many at once to not overwhelm the machine)
  3. Pour yourself a cup or two of the juice and enjoy!

*Don’t store your juice for longer than 24 hours for the best nutrient content.

Refreshing, vitamin-rich, quick, easy and delicious…what else could you want before you start your day? We also have a turmeric and carrot juice up our sleeves;) Comment if you’d like us to share that recipe too! 

If you get the chance to make this recipe, make sure to share it with us with the hashtag #cookingwithgab.

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